iui positive patient


IUI positive patient After 03 Years at Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center Islamabad

Patient Conceived after IUI treatment at Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center Islamabad
Patient: Mr. Ahmed & Mrs. Hira Saeed
Australian Concept offering State of the ART Infertility Treatment since 1998, including Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center – Best Infertility / Subfertility Treatment via IVF/ ICSI/FET/ TEST TUBE

Infertility can be a challenging journey for many couples, often causing emotional distress and uncertainty. For Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed, a couple who had struggled with infertility for three years, the Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center in Islamabad became their beacon of hope. With over 25 years of experience and a reputation for housing some of Pakistan's top specialists, this center provided them with the expertise and support they needed on their fertility journey.

Couple's Journey

Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed embarked on their quest to start a family three years ago. Despite their fervent desire to have children, they faced disappointment and heartache as months turned into years without a positive pregnancy test. Feeling disheartened and unsure of what steps to take next, they sought help from various healthcare providers but were unable to find a solution to their fertility issues.

Best Infertility Medical Center

the couple learned about the Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center in Islamabad. This center, known for its distinguished specialists with decades of experience in treating infertility, caught their attention. Encouraged by the center's reputation and success stories, Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed decided to visit the center in hopes of finding a solution to their fertility challenges.

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ICSI positive patient after 03 years

ICSI positive patient after 03 years

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ICSI positive patient after 03 years

ICSI positive patient after 03 years

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Previous Treatment

Consultation and Specialized Care

Their initial consultation at the Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center was a turning point. The specialized care they received was tailored to their unique needs. The center's top specialists conducted a comprehensive assessment, thoroughly understanding the couple's medical history and conducting necessary tests to pinpoint the root cause of their infertility.

Personalized Treatment Plan

Based on the thorough evaluation, a personalized treatment plan was devised for Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed. The center's team of experts guided the couple through each step of the process, offering unwavering support and expertise. Their plan included Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), a fertility treatment where sperm is directly placed into the uterus during the woman's fertile window.

Positive Outcome

After following the prescribed treatment plan diligently, the couple received the long-awaited news – Mrs. Hira Saeed was pregnant! The joy and excitement that filled their hearts were immeasurable. The successful IUI procedure at the Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center brought hope and happiness to Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed after three years of emotional turmoil and uncertainty.

Role of Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center

The Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center played a pivotal role in Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed's journey to parenthood. Their team's extensive experience, coupled with a compassionate approach to patient care, made all the difference. The center's commitment to staying at the forefront of fertility treatments and their dedication to each patient's well-being shine through success stories like that of Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed.


The journey of infertility is often fraught with challenges, but for Mr. Ahmed and Mrs. Hira Saeed, the Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center Islamabad became a beacon of hope. With over 25 years of experience and top specialists in Pakistan, the center provided not just medical expertise but also emotional support to help the couple achieve their dream of starting a family. Their positive outcome stands as a testament to the center's commitment to excellence in fertility treatment and its ability to turn dreams into reality.

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The Australian Concept Infertility Medical Center “Australian Concept” was established in 1998 with Australian technical collaboration in Islamabad, Pakistan.

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3rd Floor, Aklas Plaza, G10 Markaz, Behind Babri Masjid, Sawan Road, Islamabad.

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